Season 20 diablo 3
Season 20 diablo 3

  • Items are not self-additive or multiplicative (meaning, you cannot stack multiples of the same item’s power).
  • This means you could select three Armor powers, three Weapon powers, three Jewelry powers, or any other combination thereof across all categories.
  • For the duration of Season 20, all slots in Kanai’s Cube will be able to select Legendary powers from Weapon, Armor, or Jewelry.
  • It seems fitting for her to have a representation of her clan.A new Season Theme has been added for Season 20, the Season of the Forbidden Archives: Creepy bat aside, I’m excited about getting the Teganze Warrior portrait frame for my Witch Doctor. You can earn one full class set from Haedrig’s Gift per Season, with the following options for Season 20’s Journey:Ĭompleting the first four chapters of the Season Journey nets you the Anguish’s Grasp wings and Hell progression-portrait frame in addition to Haedrig’s Gift. So if you haven’t finished up the Season yet, get to work! There are other goodies to work towards in Season 20 with the creepy bat pet (did I mention it was creepy? I’m pretty sure I did).

    season 20 diablo 3

    That means we’ll be getting into Season 21: Trials of the Tempests sooner than we thought, possibly starting on July 3. 🚨Season 20 and double Goblins are ending June 21st🚨 /ZBMpgOoZnl After all, there is a creepily adorable (or adorably creepy, depending on your inclination) bat pet to be obtained this Season!īut just how long do we have left? Not very long, because the Diablo team just announced that Season 20 will end this weekend on June 21. That means it’s time to start wrapping up your Seasonal goals.

    season 20 diablo 3

    Update: Season 20 has come to a close, but never fear, because Season 21 should be live in the next couple of weeks.ĭiablo 3’s Season 20 is winding down, and the new Season 21 Trials of the Tempests theme is soon to arrive.

    Season 20 diablo 3